Plantscaping Services
Commercial & Residential
The greening of your home, office, restaurant, or store with indoor plants provides provided dopamine, filters the air, and improves family members, staff and customer’s physical and mental wellbeing.
Enhanced Air Quality
In modern cities, we are surrounded by air toxins and few people realize that indoor air quality is almost always worse than outdoors.
The addition of indoor plants will help improve air quality by reducing pollutants (such as sulfur oxides and carbon monoxide) by as much as 50%.
They also absorb volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are emitted by common indoor items such as plastics, furniture and computers.
Better Mental Health
Humans have an inherent affinity to nature. We feel better if we can see the sky, swim in the ocean and are surrounded by plant life.
But don’t take our word for it: many academic studies from around the world have proven indoor plants help reduce stress in the workplace and improve mental health.
Improved Physical Health
In addition to improving mental health, international studies also show that the presence of indoor plants is great for our physical health.
For example, these studies show that indoor plants are associated with a >20% reduction in sick leave as well as a 35% reduction in coughing/wheezing.
Increased Productivity
Plants and productivity
The presence of indoor plants has also been demonstrated to improve concentration and increase productivity by greater than 15%.
Researchers have also found substantial improvements in memory retention of employees.
Weekly or Bi-Monthly Maintenance
- Watering
- Cleaning and polishing foliage on plants.
- Wiping down decorative containers.
- Monitoring moisture and ph levels.
- Removing weeds, yellow leaves and any unwanted growth.
- Pruning and turning plants to maintain size, shape and design intent.
- Inspecting for signs of disease.
- Fertilising on a regular basis.
- Changing plats when they start to deteriorate.